Our incredible scientific lineage speaks for itself

Dr. Howard is a thought leader in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Brain Interface Technology. He was involved in founding and continues to support the following prominent organizations:

MIT Mind Machine Project

The work of MMP spans four intellectual generations, revisiting fundamental assumptions about the nature of the brain, cognition, computing, and intelligence. The project is based on the belief that, by bringing together current advances in each of these areas with insights from their roots, it will be possible to fulfill the early vision that lies at their intersection. MMP seeks to develop technologies for reading, writing (and virtually simulating) millions of neurons concurrently, to enable interactive exploration of both individual circuits and overall brain function.

MIT Synthetic Intelligence

The goal of the MIT Synthetic Intelligence project is to reveal how the brain computes intelligence, at a fundamental and mechanistic level. In order to do this, we must be able to probe brain functions at physiological, structural, and molecular levels, in a scalable fashion. The principles that emerge will guide the design of new brain disorder treatments and even neural prosthetics, yield insights into new kinds of artificial intelligence, and provide fundamental insights into the human condition. The project, launched in June 2012, is initially focused on implementing the toolbox required to enable discovery of fundamental mechanisms of brain operation.

Oxford Computational Labs

As a member of the Human Brain Project, OxCNL is mapping these circuits to understand the holistic operation of the human brain. The cornerstone of our work is understanding the Language of the Brain and so we are developing systems capable of simultaneously “reading” millions of neurons while “writing” thousands of others. Such systems enable us to interactively explore the brain and decode this language, leading to the development of Biological Co-processors – implants built from organic tissue that are intelligent, wireless and self-powered.

Howard Brain Institute

Dr. Howard is currently in the process of establishing the Howard Brain Institute at Georgetown University.